Louise Atkinson

Louise Atkinson

Get access to all of Louise's ticket links & social media platforms here

Hiya, knobheads!

How do, folks. You're here, you found out about my show, and now you're here to buy tickets, congrats! It's also possible you were looking for glamour model photos of Gemma Atkinson and stumbled upon this page, where I'm afraid you'll be very disappointed.
Here you can find out more about me, my show, what I've been talking about in various interviews and bits of media, and where else you can go and have a nosey at some clips of me. Cracking stuff.
So, some bits about me. I'm a stand-up comedian, a northerner, and a biscuit lover. Last year I did my debut show called 'Mates', and it went pretty well to be fair. Won some award things, some people said nice things, I celebrated with an entire Colin the Caterpillar cake to myself, like I say - pretty well. You can read some of the reviews and bits and bobs if you scroll down a bit here.
In my new show, I'm going for discussing the topic of how we judge others based on appearances, inspired by a piece of unsolicited feedback I received from someone in the comedy industry, who said I 'sound good, but looks a mess'. I know, right?
Essentially, I'm looking at the absurdity of our tendency to make presumptions about people solely based on their physical appearance when really we should be judging them based off their biscuit preferences. I've also got a half decent joke about a Babybel.
So, if you can't come to Edinburgh, tootle along to one of my previews and let's have a laugh and a Jaffa Cake or something.

Come see Lou here....

Grab a ticket to the Ed fringe

Reviews -Edinburgh 2023

Some bits of waffle, or reviews as they're more commonly known, giving you an idea of how northern/funny the show potentially is

Awards for Louise's debut show, 'Mates'

Very lucky that all my blackmailing worked and the show scooped some awards bits and bobs.

Be Fairy Afriad Podcast

Also, I'm the co-host on the Be Fairy Afraid Podcast, which is a podcast where me and Fiona Ridgewell bring hilarity, stupidity and some bad character voices to the darkest of fairy tales, myths and folklore.